To refresh the WhatsUp Gold license:
If your initial install was done with online, which means you were not required to generate license.ofa and submit it through the offline activation process, the steps below will update your service agreement renewal date within the license.
1. Click Start > Programs > Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold > Manage WhatsUp Gold License. The activation program appears.
2. Select the Refresh the current license option, then click Next. Follow the instructions to complete the product activation. This will set the Service Agreement information to the new renewal date.
If the original install required offline activation:
If offline activation was used when WhatsUp Gold was originally installed, follow these instructions.
1. Click Start > Programs > Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold > Manage WhatsUp Gold License. The activation program appears. Select the Deactivate license option then click Next. Follow the instructions to complete the product deactivation.
2. Select Activate license and copy in your activation key as it appears in the community under My Products, then click Activate.
3. Click Next. Follow the product guided instructions to complete the product offline activation.
For more information on offline activation, see How to perform an offline activation of WhatsUp Gold.
If you need to add an exclusion for the license server in order for the online activation to work, the address is